Credentials Self Storage

Access your academic credentials whenever you need them; they are yours to keep

Digital Credentials Profile


How It Works in a Nutshell

The Approach

In the modern world we live in, having our credentials stuck in a drawer or on the wall, doesn’t help. We need to be able to securely share our accomplishments to get that opportunity we’re looking for. Because receivers need to be sure that these credentials are authentic, our approach to credentials self storage ensures that all stored and shared credentials must have been verified as authentic directly by the credential issuer.


  1. Request and Store: You can request for your academic credentials directly from any institution in Nigeria from within your credential profile and we will assist in obtaining and storing the credential. As a result of this, we are able to verify the authenticity of the credential and saved.
  2. Upload and Store: Where you have a copy of the credential and upload and save will trigger a credential verification before the credential can be saved against your profile.


Credential are Verified

There are two routes to storing academic credentials with ETX-NG with features as below. Stored credentials are verified irrespective of the storage routes


Request & Store

  • Request for credential is required
  • We support the request and delivery; hence no requirement for verification
  • Credential is stored and published

Upload & Store

  • Direct credential upload with no requirement for request
  • We verify the authenticity of the document directly with issuer
  • Credential is stored and published