Electronic Copies of Unclaimed Paper Certificates

Convert unclaimed paper academic certificates and have them securely issued to owners electronically.

We will help you scan all unclaimed paper certificates and issue them as certified electronic certificates to your modern-day students who request for it.

Digitize Unclaimed Certificates

The Challenge

Institutions with unclaimed paper certificates are often saddled with the responsibility of managing a pile of paper certificates which is rather difficult considering the challenges associated with physical record keeping.

Our Solution

We work with credential issuers to convert their backlog of paper certificates yet to be collected into certified electronic copies which is then offered as a paid option to the certificate owner. In this service, we provide our systems to scan all unclaimed certificates in your archive file room and issue them as digitally signed and encrypted “Certified Electronic Certificates” to your students who request for it. 


Certifying the electronic certificate using digital signatures is like creating an original electronic version of the certificate; which cannot be altered or tampered with and can be verified online with just one click.


Scan and digitize your unclaimed paper certificates by converting the backlog of unclaimed paper certificates into encrypted certified electronic copies; and then securely offer them as the original electronic versions to your graduates on request.

Key Features and Benefits

  • Generated and Not Collected: Paper certificate has already been generated but, yet to be collected and owner would rather collect a certified electronic copy.
  • With this service, students and graduates can request certified digital copies of their certificates.
  • Eliminate manual paper processing by converting all necessary documents into electronic files. Reduce paper, improve efficiency and cut costs quickly and easily
  • This service is part of our goals towards the dematerialization of education and academic certificates in Nigeria
  • All scanned certificates are digitally signed and encrypted to prevent further tamper and alterations with full legal protection for institutions to generate certified electronic certificates.
  • Free up space and storage by increasing the number of certificate collections whilst increasing your brand awareness through wider circulation of your certificates.

What You Get

  • Digitisation performed at your premises
  • Retain access to your live documentation
  • Use your own staff to prepare documentation, with the help of our experts
  • Direct integration with our world class Electronic Document Management System.

How It Works

  1. We will obtain authorization from the issuing institution after which we will run gathering, collation and preliminary preparation of certificates to be digitized.
  2. The certificates are scanned and digitized through conversion and submitted for review, approvals and signing
  3. The digital certificates will then be encrypted though PDF tagging based on requirements and using the unique security keys used to digital certify the scanned certificates. The institution can then decide to retain paper certificates or destroy them.
  4. Graduates and alumni can now be informed about obtaining their certified electronic certificates which they can request for via an online portal we will provide.
  5. All scanning, digitization, storage and claiming is done at no cost to the institution; however a little collection fee is charged to the student.

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