Institutions can use our single portal to send encrypted electronic transcripts securely to more than 1,000 electronic transcript receivers worldwide.
The authenticity of sending transcripts and other secure documents electronically via email can be repudiated. Anyone can pretend to be you. Also maintaining a secure delivery channel every transcript receiver can be expensive and burdensome.
The ETX-NG E-Transcript Sender is a solution for tertiary institutions to automatically encrypt and securely deliver students transcripts directly to a continuously updated list of verified local and international transcript destinations.
It takes results data or existing digital transcript from any existing system you have, encrypts it in secure PDF Certified format and securely delivers it directly to the institution such that there is notification sent to both the sender and the receiver; and should you wish, the student too.
Once sent, the recipients then receive the transcript in a secure verifiable manner. This ensures that you have a controlled view of all outgoing transcripts – we believe this is the first step to preventing transcript fraud.
Rather than can have transcripts printed on paper, scanned, saved in email attachment and then sent; “ETX-NG E-Send” ensures efficiency by proving you with a single unified interface where you can send transcripts in a more flexible way; and with a wider outreach.
With Electronic Transcript Exchange, you can automate your transcript exchanges with other schools. Not only will you save time and money, you’ll also provide your students and alumni with the safest, fastest way to deliver their transcripts