Central Customer Service Desk

Transcript Request and Delivery to Self

How To - Transcript Request and Delivery to Self

If you wish for ETX.NG to request for your transcript, and send it to you directly, start by logging in to your portal on exchange.etx.ng or click here to register.  


Once you’ve logged in, do the following:  






  1. To choose ‘Sender’, search for your institution; click ‘Actions’, then ‘Order Transcript’.


  1. On the list of available services page for your institution, click on the action for ‘Transcript Request Forms’ then click ‘Start’.


  1. On the next page, click BEGIN ORDER



  1. To order your transcript, we will need your student details. Fill in the forms requesting your student details.


  1. Then fill in your course details. Please ensure to upload your course certificate or statement of result.



  1. Fill in the other forms and click NEXT


  1. Verify your receiver information (If there is any error in your information, please click on the button on the top right, and then ‘My Profile’ to edit your current information).



  1. View pricing options, then click PROCEED


  1. Preview your order and agree to terms and conditions, and click CONFIRM ORDER.


  1. On the payment page, choose preferred currency, and preferred channel, and then click


  1. Once you pay, please upload your payment evidence to proceed.





While filling the course details, click ‘Others’ to manually input your information, if it is not already provided in the lists.

A payslip will be generated and sent to your email. 


Please use the New Customers: Activate Unlisted Schools support form if your institution is not in our list of Senders

FAQs - Transcript Request and Delivery to Self

  1. Please I just received a link to view my transcript but was unable to open the file, and it says my download link expired. How do I view my transcript?

  Kindly note that the URL download link remains active for 30 days, and you have only three attempts to download before its expiration. This is because of data protection. Once exceeded you'd need to request for a resend to your mail via the Self-Service. No addition cost required.  


  1. My receiver was not listed and I went through the add receiver process, but the name that it is showing is wrong, and I cannot edit it. What do I do?

  Please use the ‘Order Changes’ tab on the Self Service to register this change, or use the help form below. In the details section, please put in as much information as you can. Check the procedures above for more information on how to do this.      

Transcript Request and Delivery to Self Support Form

New Customers: Activate Unlisted Schools Support Form